The majority of René Martin's books are sold out at present. Some older works may be found in Brazilian bookstores. The detective and spy plots have been the best sellers amongst René Martins readers. His articles on UFO's and alien behavior have become a reference among Ufology students.
Currently you may buy René Martin's latest books: "Cosmic Controllers" and “Cosmic Invaders”, the latter work is a second volume of a trilogy. The third book is for end-year release in 2012. Shortly René Martin's works and future titles will be available online.
The copyrights on full length films, such as: "The Treasure of Zapata"; "Twenty Footsteps to Die" and "Sadist Ecstasy" (which is based on the book entitled "The Free Flight of the Nocturne Bird"), along with the documentary "Flying Saucers Do Exist" are under negotiation to be offered on DVD format as well as online. Obtaining a copy of "The Treasure of Zapata" has become a must have due to its place in Brazilian movie history. |